Laughing Pussies Tarot Deck
Laughing Pussies Tarot Deck
We are excited to offer the first printing, Limited Edition of the Laughing Pussies Tarot Deck. Also included is a sensual guide booklet to the deck.
Every card tells my story…and your story. Yesterday I was the Two of Cups, steeped in love and partnership. Today, I am the Empress, a fierce wise warrior and earth mother. Tomorrow I may be the Ten of Swords, wallowing in loss or self-deception, and loving how juicy that feels. The wonderful thing about tarot is that it travels with us as we live each day.
*Price does not include sales tax or shipping and handling.
One day, last fall, I was working on a series of drawings about how the divine masculine and feminine must merge and balance in order to move past the dire consequences we all face living in a patriarchal society. I got a flash that I needed to create a tarot deck. The crazy thing is, I knew nothing about tarot. I think I’ve had my cards read once about 20 years ago in New Orleans, and that’s it. I’m at the point in my life where I don’t even questionmoments like these. I’m lucky to have a husband who knows so much about many random and cool things. He gave me some decks and books he had, so I started right away. It had to be a feminist deck, because that’s who I am. It is the perfect way to tell the story I had been working on in my drawings. The exciting part is that it will reach so many people this way.
It’s important to me that I live my truth. I love that my work makes a difference for women. My tarot deck illustrates the Goddess in all of us.