The Desire and Vision of a Laughing Pussy

When you reveal who you are and what you desire/your vision. It's the most powerful and bravest thing you can do.

I have co-created with Paul, a beautiful and happy home for us and Logan. I am excited because I am clear on my life's purpose and I am on an amazing journey every day!

I enjoy more and more bliss in my life and continue to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies.
I am the healthiest me I can be as I age beautifully and gracefully. 

It thrills me when I know I have helped someone. When people tell me I've inspired them, I feel the purpose in my life so powerfully. Seeing my child grow and sharing a life with him and my wonderful husband is what moves me. I am reaching more and more people globally through my art and vision, as I am asked to speak in front of thousands.

I connect with my loved ones throughout the day. We talk, we laugh, we dance, we do projects together. Paul and I make out, or make love. We grow together every day. Our house is full of joy! We support each other in our passions and the things we love to do. Sometimes, we are just in the same room, sharing space, doing our own thing, and grooving on each other's energy.

I am unstoppable.
I am complete freedom and self expression.

Please share your "I am". xo #laughingpussies #PussyBoom